martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

The new school insurances are done thinking about the health of your students

He thinks about the health of your pupils and about that of the personnel that it elaborates in your school. In order that there is a good education there has to be a good health, so if you are the director of some educational institution, it thinks of contracting a school insurance in order that any personnel that it elaborates and the pupils could have attention medicates in case of some accident.

The school insurance, it was made by a very important aim which is protect the student and the personnel that suffers an injury or accident because of some student activity or in the accomplishment of his professional or educational practice.

This insurance is for all the students of school establishments who possess official recognition, prekinder, kinder, primary, secondary, preparatory and the university.

BANORTE possesses the insurance one, here you will be able to find school insurances. 
For BANORTE the school insurance, it is a contract that covers the medical expenses of the pupil and of the employees of the nursery in case of an accident during the school period.

The benefits that it offers you are:
  • To have an economic protection for the school that will contract it in case the pupils and / or employees were managing to suffer a type of accident. 
  • It has a package of coverages and the assistances mas complete inside the market: which cover the health, the education and difficult moments of the pupils and employees. 
  • It possesses direct payment the hospitals and clinics in agreement in CD. Of Mexico, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and It Populates.
BANORTE has different premiums, is because of it that you can choose the one that mas is convenient for you. 
It possesses different forms of payment, the payments can be annual, half-yearly, monthly, quarterly or four-month. 
So you do not think it mas and it looks for a school insurance, chooses the package that mas is convenient for you and acquire it. 

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