domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

The best way of protecting your car is contracting the best insurance

There are different types of insurances, as well as we take care of our integrity must take care of the integrity of the material things that in occasions we achieve to have with a lot of effort. In this case we will speak about the insurances of cars.

It is here where we say to you that you can use an insurance for your car, to the moment of which you go out of your house in the car, you traverse risks, since, accidentally you can suffer some type of accident and damage to your car the equal one of which you suffer some injuries.

The insurances of the cars change depending the prices and the risks that they cover and specially in the exceptions and limitations in the moment to indemnify the hurts 

What is the insurance of the car?

The insurance of car is considered to be an agreement established between an insurance company and the policyholder (the interested party or the holder of the policy), that materializes in a contract of insurances. The policyholder will receive when a premium pays a coverage of civil obligatory responsibility for corporal injuries and for property damages.

How does the price of the premium decide?

The premium is the amount for coverage, that is to say, the price of the insurance. The rate of a premium will be established on having evaluated several factors, taking in it counts the age, sex, the marital status of the policyholder, where one guards the vehicle, the record of the driver, the brand and the model of the car, the coverage of the previous insurance and the kilometres that it realizes a year. Generally, the drivers with a driver's historic evil statistical mind have major possibilities of intervening in an accident, therefore they are conductive to which a more onerous rate will be applied. One that has decided his value him has to join the taxes, in order that that way there should be had the price that the policyholder will pay.

There are different forms of payment. The policyholder can choose the form d payment, quarterly, annual, etc. If for obvious reasons the premium increases, the company has to notify the policyholder with at least two months of anticipation to the maturity of the annual policy, in order that in case that the policyholder does not agree it has time to rescind the contract before the next renovation.

The insurance ones establish the siniestralidad grouping groups with the same characteristics, since:

  • The age and sex. Statistically more young women are more imprudent and it has a major index of siniestralidad and the women with certain age commit fewer accidents than the men.
  • Antiquity like driver: the experience of driving for several years reduces the risk of accidents.
  • Territorial area: different zones statistical mind reveal major number of accidents, it is established by the quantity of vehicles by province, the traffic, climate (ice, fogs, etc.) types of ways, density population.
        What car? The bigger major hurts, this it is the relation that is born in mind. The expenses of repair will be major.

        Why is car used? Those that use his cars as tool of work or it is an indispensable trasporte for his work, has very much use and they are more exposed

The insurance ones apply a system of bonuses and penalties (bonus malus) it consists of discounts and surcharges on the basic premium of function to the disasters declared in the last twelve months by the policyholder. If there were no disasters the discounts are applied and if they declare disasters they can up to applying surcharges. These are applied on the insurances of civil obligatory or voluntary responsibility, own hurts, theft, fire and break of lunas, other coverages remain excluded.

Those who do intervene in the contract?

In the contract of insurances of cars they intervene:

  •     The insurance company, which is offers the policy, it will receive the value of the approved premium and he becomes a person in charge for the obligation of paying the indemnifications in case of disaster.
  •      The holder of the policy (drawee of the insurance), the holder of the policy can belong different from the policyholder, because only he is a person in charge of paying the premiums for the insurance.
  •     The person who appears as policyholder, owner or owner of the good or car who insures itself.
  •     The beneficiaryperson that the policyholder chooses which will receive the payment of the indemnifications in case of disaster. 
  •     Generally the holder of the policy (Drawee), the policyholder and the beneficiary is the same. But it can happen that the husband is the drawee, his wife the insured one and the beneficiary a third party.
  •  Driver, person entrusted to handle the car.
       If you look for the good insurance one it sees and asks for MAPFRE, which offers you a great variety of insurances of cars of which your you will choose the one that mas is convenient for you and the one that cover your needs.

  There investigates which of the packages is convenient for you and contract it, take care what you achieve with effort and look after yourself your, so you do not think it mas and come to insure. 

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