domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Do not suffer mas for the accidents, we have the just insurance for you

All the persons in some moment of our lives we have accidents, always we are exposed to it, it is for it that is advisable to choose to have an insurance of accidents. 
If you are employed at some place where you are exposed to having accidents and do not possess an insurance of accidents, it think and acquire an insurance. 

An insurance of accidents is that contract that there have as principal aim cover the risk of the policyholder before corporal injuries derived from a violent, sudden, external reason, which is not meaningful and which for some reason produces the temporary disability of the person, already be permanent or the death of the same one. 

It is not so difficult to obtain an insurance of accidents, alone which is needed is that the policyholder possesses some profession or a stable work, his bill of health, and the age, these are some of the requirements for the step.

There are insurances of personal accidents and insurances of accidents, MAPFRE, are the insurance one which possesses these two insurances. 
The insurances of accidents were taking charge protecting the policyholders to the members of the family before situations of invalidity or disability for accidents of any type that are provoked during his professional activity (in the work) or in his it deprives private road.

We can find different types of insurances of accidents as for example:

1. Individual. 
2. Packages of personal accidents. 
3. It arms your package of personal accidents. 
4. Monthly sure revenue. 

There are insurances for accidents:

  • Of the work. 
  • Students 
  • Vacacionales

There are different types of insurances for accidents, escoje the one that mas is convenient for you and the one that you need. It bears in mind in the position that you are, that is to say, in the economic thing and contracts the best insurance. 

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