martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016


 If you are an owner of a company do not forget that the integrity of your employees is what you must try, since thanks to them your company is kept and grows every day. 

You have to bear in mind that your company day with day is exposed to many risks, it is for it that we suggest you protect everything what is inside your company or business.

is the insurance one that possesses the Multiple Managerial Insurance. Insurance this one gives you the comfort of there showing you his incredible packages that it has for you. Since already every package is known it has coverages which were adapting to your needs and type of business. 

 The coverages that it offers you are: 
  • Hurts caused by fires and / or beams; 
  • Consequential Losses;
  • civil legal Responsibility of the lessee; 
  • Break of crystals; 
  • luminous Announcements; 
  • Out of The place; 
  • Boilers and containers subject to pressure;
  • Break of machinery; 
  • Electronic Equipment.

In addition, some of the advantages and benefits that there offers the multiple managerial Insurance are: 

  • Offers a great variety of coverages to an attainable price.
  • Allows to select the coverage that more pleases you. 
  • You will choose the form of payment, already be, of fewly or half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.

To obtain your insurance they do not need of many requirements, as alone what you have that: 

  • To fill the attached format where minimal information is requested needed for provides a price.
  • To be subject to the policies of MAPFRE's acceptance. 
  • With base to the operation of your business and requested coverages, your insurance agent will be able to contact you to obtain (in case of the complementary information be needing), or to realize with our technical personnel and of engineering a visit to your facilities. 

Already it dresses that it is so difficult so they see and acquire your multiple managerial insurance, in order that you protect everything what has cost you.

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