Do not worry mas for if you manage to be absent, it protects your familiacon an insurance

Nowadays it is important to have a life insurance, you have to wonder why?

Do not suffer mas for the accidents, we have the just insurance for you

All the persons in some moment of our lives we have accidents, always we are

Special insurances for the care of your home

If of taking care of your house it treats itself, now you can contract an insurance of home.

Your plan of protection for your cultures

If you are one of the persons of the field but in occasions there are certain

The new school insurances are done thinking about the health of your students

He thinks about the health of your pupils and about that of the personnel

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Do not worry mas for if you manage to be absent, it protects your familiacon an insurance

Nowadays it is important to have a life insurance, you have to wonder why? Simple and simply because a life insurance is an economic security because if some day the one that contracts it comes of expiring, in order that that way, the beneficiaries or the family are not in financial squeezes.

The life insurance helps to that the family of the deceased is in tranquility, since, when his spouse contracts a life insurance as children they will possess the means or income to take charge of the expenses of burial, debts of housing and the expenses to survive.

His major dread is that both his spouse and children do not possess the means or income to take charge of the expenses of burial, debts of housing and the expenses to survive. 

On having signed the contract already not more you will worry about leaving to your helpless family, since, it will not happen on having signed the contract with the insurance one it promises to deliver to the persons that you have designated as beneficiaries a sum of money in the moment of his death. His obligation in this contract is the payment of the premiums, in the form stipulated in advance. Some policies can benefit the policyholder in life. 
These policies accumulate savings that can be used in the future as for example to complement his retirement or for what you want to destine.

Since it presents in occasions we do not think about negative things but we have q foresee the things and more if it is a question of the family, must do that they do not suffer if you manage to be absent. The need of a life insurance will depend on his personal and economic circumstances. 

The life insurances also are in the habit of being used, to pay the successor taxes and the funeral expenses. Also thinking about the educational future of his children, it is possible to use to pay academic studies.

There are different types of insurances and you have to choose the one that is the indicated one for you and your family, some of the questions that you must answer to know that sure wanting are the following ones: during how much time would need to be insured? Is how much believed by you who would need his family, to be able to live when you die? Would he want only coverage or also to create an investment fund, for his retirement or to pay the university of his children? Would it need to make foreseen the payment of the mortgage of his housing economic compulsions to avoid him to theirs?

The savings that you will have will depend on the type of family that has, if it is single or married. In case it is single and alone it has in plans benefit his parents, you only will have to foresee a few savings, for the funeral and other small expenses. 

The cost of the life insurances changes, depending of that insurance it is and of when you want the insurance. It is important to compare the premiums, the value in cash is to say the capital, the indemnification that his death and the expenses will give to the beneficiaries in case for fees in the accomplishment of the policy.

Only there is an obligation that the interested party must realize: The insurer will have to deliver the insurance policy to the drawee of the insurance in 15 days traversed from the signing of the contract. There are insurance many, which will offer you different packages, but her insurance, they are orientated to protect your familiar economy and it guarantees your well-being throughout the years. 

These insurances are done by the only end of safeguarding your future and of that mas want across products that they were helping you to save, to confront some unexpected death, between many other things. 

Some of them of the insurances that you can contract are: 

  • Temporary Plan Plan life informs. 
  • Midday plan. Plan of saving misto. 
  • Plan education overcoming. 
  • Plan of saving return of premiums. 
There quarrels which is the insurance that mas is convenient for you and contract it without two times thinking it, since, your well-being and that of your family is what mas matters.


 If you are an owner of a company do not forget that the integrity of your employees is what you must try, since thanks to them your company is kept and grows every day. 

You have to bear in mind that your company day with day is exposed to many risks, it is for it that we suggest you protect everything what is inside your company or business.

is the insurance one that possesses the Multiple Managerial Insurance. Insurance this one gives you the comfort of there showing you his incredible packages that it has for you. Since already every package is known it has coverages which were adapting to your needs and type of business. 

 The coverages that it offers you are: 
  • Hurts caused by fires and / or beams; 
  • Consequential Losses;
  • civil legal Responsibility of the lessee; 
  • Break of crystals; 
  • luminous Announcements; 
  • Out of The place; 
  • Boilers and containers subject to pressure;
  • Break of machinery; 
  • Electronic Equipment.

In addition, some of the advantages and benefits that there offers the multiple managerial Insurance are: 

  • Offers a great variety of coverages to an attainable price.
  • Allows to select the coverage that more pleases you. 
  • You will choose the form of payment, already be, of fewly or half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.

To obtain your insurance they do not need of many requirements, as alone what you have that: 

  • To fill the attached format where minimal information is requested needed for provides a price.
  • To be subject to the policies of MAPFRE's acceptance. 
  • With base to the operation of your business and requested coverages, your insurance agent will be able to contact you to obtain (in case of the complementary information be needing), or to realize with our technical personnel and of engineering a visit to your facilities. 

Already it dresses that it is so difficult so they see and acquire your multiple managerial insurance, in order that you protect everything what has cost you.

Your plan of protection for your cultures

If you are one of the persons of the field but in occasions there are certain difficulties and you are afraid of losing everything what you have done. Since already you do not worry and it contracts an agricultural insurance.

What is? 
Good an agricultural insurance is a complete plan of protection for cultures with national coverage and the most wide range of risks. 
Here the insurer binds to indemnify a hurt in case a covered event happens, and for which the policyholder pays a certain sum of money named prize or price. 
The agricultural insurance covers certain climatic and / or biological risks, that is to say, those phenomena that affect the performance, the quality and / or the survival of the culture in verifiable form. 

This insurance is for those persons who devote themselves to the field, which have cultivated, breeding areas of animals, etc.

It offers a protection for direct loss, that is to say, they pay all the losses that are a consequence of an event that provokes a physical direct hurt the culture. There is done an appraisal of partial losses during the development of the cultures. 

Awaited productions guarantee you and we consider all the climatic and biological risks that could happen. Though you do not believe it, insurance some of them were paying the kilos they are absent tes to come to the production guaranteed only on condition of that when the fall in production should to an insured risk. 

Some of the categories of risk are:
  • Human or personal risks: they are the relative ones to disease, injuries or death of the producer. 
  • Risks of the resources: associated with thefts, fires and other losses or hurt of equipments, constructions and resources used for the production. 
  • Risks of production or performance: associated with the effects of the climate (rain, hail, droughts), with diseases and epidemics of plants and animals.
  •  Risks of prices: associated with the increase or fall of prices of products or inputs, as soon as decisions of production have taken.  
  • Institutional Risks: associated with the regulative changes and of public policies that affect in the decisions of production and on the market. 
  • Financial Risks: associated with the increases in the cost of the capital, rates of interest, liquidity and stability of the products on the financial markets.
Some of the agricultural reliable insurances that it is possible to contract it is MAPFRE, which protects diverse cultures in the different epochs of the year, against the diverse factors that could effect it as fires, hails, floods, between others.

The requirements for that the insurance one asks are:
  • Principally the insurance will depend on the culture, location of the risk and agricultural cycle.
  • As soon as I check the zone there begins the step of subscription of a risk, for what it is necessary:
1. That the culture, the zone and coverages, are in the business plan for the agricultural cycles of the year. 
2. To annex a sketch and relation of adjacent. 
3. To programme the visit of inspection. 
4. To fill the request developed and registered before the C.N.S.F. 
5. That are cultures are sinister of for way. 

It contracts your agricultural insurance and protects everything what you have achieved to have a good production with the insurance MAPFRE.

The new school insurances are done thinking about the health of your students

He thinks about the health of your pupils and about that of the personnel that it elaborates in your school. In order that there is a good education there has to be a good health, so if you are the director of some educational institution, it thinks of contracting a school insurance in order that any personnel that it elaborates and the pupils could have attention medicates in case of some accident.

The school insurance, it was made by a very important aim which is protect the student and the personnel that suffers an injury or accident because of some student activity or in the accomplishment of his professional or educational practice.

This insurance is for all the students of school establishments who possess official recognition, prekinder, kinder, primary, secondary, preparatory and the university.

BANORTE possesses the insurance one, here you will be able to find school insurances. 
For BANORTE the school insurance, it is a contract that covers the medical expenses of the pupil and of the employees of the nursery in case of an accident during the school period.

The benefits that it offers you are:
  • To have an economic protection for the school that will contract it in case the pupils and / or employees were managing to suffer a type of accident. 
  • It has a package of coverages and the assistances mas complete inside the market: which cover the health, the education and difficult moments of the pupils and employees. 
  • It possesses direct payment the hospitals and clinics in agreement in CD. Of Mexico, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and It Populates.
BANORTE has different premiums, is because of it that you can choose the one that mas is convenient for you. 
It possesses different forms of payment, the payments can be annual, half-yearly, monthly, quarterly or four-month. 
So you do not think it mas and it looks for a school insurance, chooses the package that mas is convenient for you and acquire it. 

The insurance of saving guarantees to the beneficiary the payment of the certain capital

Do you belong to these persons who everything what they gain become exhausted it? He thinks about your future and do not remain without saving, because you do not know that it is what was happening tomorrow.

Nowadays the economy is not the best, the works are not full well and you have to learn to save. We offer to you the necessary information in order that you could save and are not in squeezes. 

The insurances of survival or insurances of saving. These insurances guarantee to the beneficiary the payment of the certain cap

ital, in the case in that the one that contracts it (the policyholder) comes alive at the end of the established contract.

There are different types of insurances of survival between which they are: 
  • Insurance of pure endowment: it is a question when the insurer binds to pay certain sum if the policyholder I live through this one before finishing the contract. 
  • Insurance of deferred revenue: it is when the insurer binds to pay a revenue instead of the capital.
There are insurances of MAPFPRE's saving, which offer different solutions to obtain the major performance to the savings of the insurers, depending on the needs of the contratador. 
Here the client will choose of that way to save of a sure and systematic form with contributions effected by the premiums that the same one established.

The types of saving that offers you the company MAPFPRE are:
  • Dividend LIFE. It is an insurance d saving modality unit linked and of the only premium of limited duration.
  • Million LIFE. It is an insurance of saving of the only premium and with profitability guaranteed in the moment of the maturity. 
  • YOU PEEP (Individual Plans of Systematic Saving). It is an insurance that canalizes a saving with insured profitability, liquidity and with great advantage.
  • Plan of saving SIALP MAPFRE. You obtain very attractive profitability.
  • Multifunds choice. Insurance of life - saving.
Do not lose time saving your money under the mattress because in you cause it it does not work, come and become convinced with the packages that insurance this one has for you, so you think it mas and come to see which is the one that mas is convenient for you.

There thinks which is the best medical insurance for you

The health is the more valued thing that you can have, is your more important inheritance. In occasions, the attention that they give themselves in some hospitals or other dependences of health, they are not the best and sometimes you do not manage to have a good health for lack of resources.

What is? 

The medical insurances are contracts that exist between a person (the interested party), a family or a collectivity with an institution d insurances to cover the necessary expenses for medical attention, already be for some accident or some disease.

Every insurance one has a different way of operating, in each one you change of them with services of reimbursement, others with attention by means of cards in hospitals with agreement or some with exclusive attention in clinics and doctor's offices of his own network, the class of attention will depend on all that is the insurance. In addition, they will clarify in which sufferings it will cover and which not.

In every contract of insurances a premium is stipulated, and here it is not the exception. The company shows you the different payments of premiums who handle for each of the different cases, already be for a person or for the whole family.

When you obtain your medical insurance, you have as commitment keep the contract or insurance policy in force, guaranteeing with it that in case of someone of the protected sufferings or some accidental event one will count with the protection that offers the insurance one that can be directly in hospitals distinguished by the same one or by means of the system of reimbursement in other clinics that do not have agreements with insurance happiness. 

Did he need it? 
It is important that you possess an insurance of medical expenses and more if you are one of these persons who do not possess services of public health as the IMSS or the ISSSTE, since it was not concerning so much your economy if you were managing to present any event of disease, already be serious or not.

MEPFRE is the insurance one which before any problem of health, disease or accidents, they guarantee theirs the medical necessary attention, covering the expenses generated by the treatment, this way as the expenses of any area of your life that this one affected by your suffering.

Insurance this one offers you different types of insurances: 


  • Sure medical major expenses
  • Insurance I medicate sure protection


  • Sure recovery medicates 
  • I foresaw cancer.
  • They hospitalize daily.
  • Indemnification for disability
  • Portégela and protect it. 
Each of the insurances consults in order that you decide which is the fact that it is convenient for you of all the sound his premiums. Do not think it any more and it looks for an insurance medical that this to your disposition, he thinks about your health and about the health of the family, since the accidents and diseases are to the return of the corner. Find out. 

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

The best way of protecting your car is contracting the best insurance

There are different types of insurances, as well as we take care of our integrity must take care of the integrity of the material things that in occasions we achieve to have with a lot of effort. In this case we will speak about the insurances of cars.

It is here where we say to you that you can use an insurance for your car, to the moment of which you go out of your house in the car, you traverse risks, since, accidentally you can suffer some type of accident and damage to your car the equal one of which you suffer some injuries.

The insurances of the cars change depending the prices and the risks that they cover and specially in the exceptions and limitations in the moment to indemnify the hurts 

What is the insurance of the car?

The insurance of car is considered to be an agreement established between an insurance company and the policyholder (the interested party or the holder of the policy), that materializes in a contract of insurances. The policyholder will receive when a premium pays a coverage of civil obligatory responsibility for corporal injuries and for property damages.

How does the price of the premium decide?

The premium is the amount for coverage, that is to say, the price of the insurance. The rate of a premium will be established on having evaluated several factors, taking in it counts the age, sex, the marital status of the policyholder, where one guards the vehicle, the record of the driver, the brand and the model of the car, the coverage of the previous insurance and the kilometres that it realizes a year. Generally, the drivers with a driver's historic evil statistical mind have major possibilities of intervening in an accident, therefore they are conductive to which a more onerous rate will be applied. One that has decided his value him has to join the taxes, in order that that way there should be had the price that the policyholder will pay.

There are different forms of payment. The policyholder can choose the form d payment, quarterly, annual, etc. If for obvious reasons the premium increases, the company has to notify the policyholder with at least two months of anticipation to the maturity of the annual policy, in order that in case that the policyholder does not agree it has time to rescind the contract before the next renovation.

The insurance ones establish the siniestralidad grouping groups with the same characteristics, since:

  • The age and sex. Statistically more young women are more imprudent and it has a major index of siniestralidad and the women with certain age commit fewer accidents than the men.
  • Antiquity like driver: the experience of driving for several years reduces the risk of accidents.
  • Territorial area: different zones statistical mind reveal major number of accidents, it is established by the quantity of vehicles by province, the traffic, climate (ice, fogs, etc.) types of ways, density population.
        What car? The bigger major hurts, this it is the relation that is born in mind. The expenses of repair will be major.

        Why is car used? Those that use his cars as tool of work or it is an indispensable trasporte for his work, has very much use and they are more exposed

The insurance ones apply a system of bonuses and penalties (bonus malus) it consists of discounts and surcharges on the basic premium of function to the disasters declared in the last twelve months by the policyholder. If there were no disasters the discounts are applied and if they declare disasters they can up to applying surcharges. These are applied on the insurances of civil obligatory or voluntary responsibility, own hurts, theft, fire and break of lunas, other coverages remain excluded.

Those who do intervene in the contract?

In the contract of insurances of cars they intervene:

  •     The insurance company, which is offers the policy, it will receive the value of the approved premium and he becomes a person in charge for the obligation of paying the indemnifications in case of disaster.
  •      The holder of the policy (drawee of the insurance), the holder of the policy can belong different from the policyholder, because only he is a person in charge of paying the premiums for the insurance.
  •     The person who appears as policyholder, owner or owner of the good or car who insures itself.
  •     The beneficiaryperson that the policyholder chooses which will receive the payment of the indemnifications in case of disaster. 
  •     Generally the holder of the policy (Drawee), the policyholder and the beneficiary is the same. But it can happen that the husband is the drawee, his wife the insured one and the beneficiary a third party.
  •  Driver, person entrusted to handle the car.
       If you look for the good insurance one it sees and asks for MAPFRE, which offers you a great variety of insurances of cars of which your you will choose the one that mas is convenient for you and the one that cover your needs.

  There investigates which of the packages is convenient for you and contract it, take care what you achieve with effort and look after yourself your, so you do not think it mas and come to insure. 

Special insurances for the care of your home

If of taking care of your house it treats itself, now you can contract an insurance of home. Since we know that your house is valued mas that you can have to part of your family, of equal way it is something that has to look after. 

 Insurance of home, it is a contract that will help you to cover all the hurts caused to your house and to the goods that they find in her, before risks that they could present. Also they can cover damages, things that you cause to a third party.

 MAPFPRE is the insurance one which counts different insurances but also it possesses insurances of home.

The insurances of home of insurance this one, they allow the owners of housings for habitual residence, housings of vacations, housings in rent and enclosedly caravans, to protect his real estate.

Depending that type of house. You  will be able  to acquire the insurance that mas suitable does you.

The insurances that MAPFPRE offers are:
  • Basic. It is the simple mas, and offers you the best coverages for it protects your housing of thefts, fires, hurts or civil responsibility, between many things mas.
  • Relative. This insurance contemplates the presentations as civil responsibility, fires, hurts for water, breaks of crystals, etc. It includes complementary guarantees.
  • Total. It is the insurance mas completely.
  • Platinum. It is also, one of the insurances mas complete.

Without two times thinking it it protects your home, since there it is where probably you will live through all your life. It proves the package that mas is convenient for you and despreocúpate for if something was managing to go on to him to your home.

Do not suffer mas for the accidents, we have the just insurance for you

All the persons in some moment of our lives we have accidents, always we are exposed to it, it is for it that is advisable to choose to have an insurance of accidents. 
If you are employed at some place where you are exposed to having accidents and do not possess an insurance of accidents, it think and acquire an insurance. 

An insurance of accidents is that contract that there have as principal aim cover the risk of the policyholder before corporal injuries derived from a violent, sudden, external reason, which is not meaningful and which for some reason produces the temporary disability of the person, already be permanent or the death of the same one. 

It is not so difficult to obtain an insurance of accidents, alone which is needed is that the policyholder possesses some profession or a stable work, his bill of health, and the age, these are some of the requirements for the step.

There are insurances of personal accidents and insurances of accidents, MAPFRE, are the insurance one which possesses these two insurances. 
The insurances of accidents were taking charge protecting the policyholders to the members of the family before situations of invalidity or disability for accidents of any type that are provoked during his professional activity (in the work) or in his it deprives private road.

We can find different types of insurances of accidents as for example:

1. Individual. 
2. Packages of personal accidents. 
3. It arms your package of personal accidents. 
4. Monthly sure revenue. 

There are insurances for accidents:

  • Of the work. 
  • Students 
  • Vacacionales

There are different types of insurances for accidents, escoje the one that mas is convenient for you and the one that you need. It bears in mind in the position that you are, that is to say, in the economic thing and contracts the best insurance. 

An ideal insurance for if you manage to be absent

It protects to your family if some day you manage to die. With the insurance of death you will be able to support the familiar economy.

Debits of finding out well work the insurances that exist, since that way you will choose the indicated one for you or for your family. In these occasions in risk of suffering some accident, good, it is provoked or not, in which you could lose the life. It is there where you think that you him were leaving heritage to your family.

The insurance of death is an economic support before the possibility of loss. It gives a financial support to the beneficiaries. 

The insurance of death also is known as insurance of accidental death, as his name indicates it only treat death for accidents and not for natural death. The natural death is when the person possesses neither bad health, critical illnesses nor the suicide. The insurance of accidental death includes packages for the collective, sure voluntary supplement of life, the accidents of trip, and salesmen. 

One of the principal insurance ones is ISSEMyM and the requirements for that he asks are:

  •  Request of the insurance for death, requisitioning the format authorized by the Institute.
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate of the public or pensioned ex-servant. For the case of the pensioned one, only if there does not exist copy certified in the personal process.
  • Certified copy of the death certificate of the public or pensioned ex-servant.
  • Copy of official identification: elector's credential, passport, professional bond of the persons registered in the format of Beneficiaries' Designation for the Payment of Insurance for Death and / or certified copy of the death certificate in case there has expired someone of them.
  • To present the Notice of the Movement of Fall of the ISSEMyM (except pensioned).
  • In case beneficiaries do not exist in the format of Beneficiaries' Designation for the Payment of the Insurance for Death, one will be to the order of relation that establishes the Regulation of Presentations. The solicitor will have to present additional:

  1.   Certified copy of the birth certificate to accredit the kinship. 
  2. Certified copy of the marriage certificate, or resolution issued by the jurisdictional competent authority, which accredits the concubinage.

     If you have the opportunity to acquire an insurance of death to there drink to you the opportunity to acquire it since in occasions without the things think one they happen and it is better to be well-prepared. 

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